School Board

Meet Our School Board

Mr. Ron Cole


Mr. Peter Quattrini

Vice President

Mrs. Debra Luchaco

Board Secretary

Mr. Andrew Hickey


Mrs. Debra Agnew


Mr. Bryan Roof


Mr. Kevin Hadlock


Mrs. Tricia Blythe


Mr. Donald Skerpon


Mrs. Felicia Kmetz


Dr. Jill Daloisio

Non-voting Member

What is a School Board?

SASD School Board Policies, Agendas, and Meeting Minutes

Click here for School Board Agenda/Meeting Minutes, and policy.

2024 Board of Directors

Front Row:
Mr. Kevin Hadlock, Mrs. Deb Agnew, Mrs. Tricia Blythe, Mr. Ron Cole, and Non-Voting Member Dr. Jill Daloisio
Back Row:
Mr. Andrew Hickey, Mr. Bryan Roof, Mrs. Felicia Kmetz, Mr. Pete Quattrini, and Mr. Donnie Skerpon

SASD Board Meetings

The SASD Board of Directors will meet monthly (except in July unless an emergency arises).  All meetings are listed on the online calendar.  Residents/taxpayers of the Sayre Area School District are welcome to address the Board at the beginning of the meeting about Title One Programming or any other matter of concern or interest properly raised in a public session.  When addressing the Board of Directors, please give your name and address, and the subject of the content you will address.  It is requested that comments be kept to three (3) minutes.  Moreover, please note that comments on private student or employee matters should be directed to the Superintendent outside of the meeting.

2024 SASD Board Meetings

October 8 (SHS Auditorium) and 21

November 4

December 2

Archived SASD Board Agendas and Meeting Minutes

SASD Board Sub-Committees

The SASD Board of Directors has multiple sub-committees. Those committee meetings will be advertised on the District online calendar and the public is welcome to attend.  The sub-committees are:

Athletics and Recreation - Members of the “Athletics and Recreation” committee meet to discuss Sayre Area School District’s athletic and recreation programs. At each meeting, committee members share their thoughts on current happenings in district athletic and recreation programs, discuss the status of different teams, and share ideas for future planning purposes. If you are interested in joining committee members for discussions on SASD athletic and recreational programs, please join a meeting.

Committee Members: Tricia Blythe, Donnie Skerpon, Andrew Hickey, Kevin Hadlock, Barry Claypool, and James Howey

Building and Grounds - Members of the “Buildings and Grounds” committee collaborate to discuss and plan for structural and other improvements for our district school buildings and locations. As a result of recent discussions, the committee hired local companies to complete a number of projects including new roofs on both buildings, an updated fire alarm system at the elementary school, and a facility assessment of all district buildings, giving the committee insight into our buildings’ infrastructures to help them make decisions on future projects. SASD families and community members interested in discussing the possibility of future improvements and projects for our district should attend the committee meetings.

Committee Members: Andrew Hickey, Peter Quattrini, Ron Cole, Jill Daloisio, and Barry Claypool

Community Relations/Wellness - Members of the “Community Relations & Wellness'' committee work together to plan for district-sponsored events that encourage SASD students, families, and community members to engage in activities that celebrate our school and community. As a wellness committee, members strive to create events that not only bring students and their families together but also incorporate a component of “health,” such as physical activity. Some of the committee’s most recent events include “Falling into Fun,” community walks- featuring different themes such as a “Winter Walk,” and a number of events hosted during SASD’s homecoming weekend. If you are interested in collaborating with committee members to create district-sponsored events, join the meetings.

Committee Members: Felicia Kmetz, Deb Agnew, Bryan Roof, Kevin Hadlock, Jill Daloisio, Dayton Handrick, and Michelle Murrelle

Curriculum/Instruction - Members of the “Curriculum and Instruction” committee use their meetings as an opportunity to discuss the current and future curricular happenings and needs in Sayre Area School District. Teachers, administrators, board members, and community members have recently discussed the progress of new curricular initiatives such as this year’s implementation of Social Emotional Learning for all students from kindergarten through twelfth grade, and the instructional utilization of the interactive BenQ boards. All SASD families and community members interested in discussing curricular topics with district representatives should join the “Curriculum & Instruction” meetings.

Committee Members: Deb Agnew, Tricia Blythe, Jill Daloisio, Tricia Tietjen, Dayton Handrick, Cambria Ely and Michelle Murrelle

Finance - Members of the “Finance” committee discuss the status of current budgets and financial happenings in the district. Committee members use their time to review prior, current, and upcoming purchases to the most appropriate plan for the future. SASD families and community members interested in joining committee members for such discussions should join a meeting.

Committee Members: Andrew Hickey, Ronald Cole, Deb Agnew, Barry Claypool, Jill Daloisio, and Shawn Madigan

Technology - Members of the “Technology” committee meet to discuss the digital resources and use of technology in our district. Members share their findings on the “latest and greatest” in educational technology devices and programs, evaluate the current status of district devices, and provide insight into how platforms such as social media can be used to help keep our students, their families, and the community stay informed about the happenings in our district. Recent collaborations have led to the purchase of student devices (allowing SASD to become 1-to-1) and BenQ interactive boards for every classroom and large instruction room in the district. If you are interested in weighing in on the discussions of technology in our district, join the “Technology” committee meetings.

Committee Members: Pete Quattrini, Ron Cole, Jill Daloisio, Michelle Murrelle, Dayton Handrick, and James Howey